Did you make it to the stake sports volleyball games last Saturday? If not, we still have two more Saturdays before the region games. If you want to be part of the fun, be there at 10:00 am!
Next Wednesday at 6:30 pm we have combined YM/YW mutual. We will be playing Human Foosball! Don't miss it! It will be tons of fun!! We will also be practicing our song "Everywhere I go" before mutual starts. For this you need to be here at 6:00pm specially if you want to learn the descant part of the song.
On Saturday there is a YM/YW Quad Stake Dance. Call each other and go with friends!
And last but not least... Our YW in Excellence is next Sunday! Work on your projects, practice your parts, let's be ready! If you need help, have questions call us, we are here for you.
Attached are some ideas for costumes for the girls representing women of faith. You don't need to buy anything, get curtains, sheets, pillow cases whatever works, it'll be great!
YW leaders